ECSWE Council Meeting 

School Casa da Floresta  Sítio do Bar­cal nº9, 1500–554, Lis­bon, Portugal 

ECSWE Coun­cil Meeting
Lis­bon, Portugal

ECSWE Council Meeting 

Belgium  , Belgium 

ECSWE Coun­cil Meeting
Brus­sels, Belgium

LLLWeek 2022 event on Parental school choice 

COMECE (Con­fer­ence Room)  Square de Meeûs 19, Brus­sels, Belgium 

Sign up for “Imple­ment­ing the Right to Parental School Choice” event organ­ised by ECSWE, ECNAIS and OIDEL.

LLLWeek 2022 event on Media education 

Mundo‑J (Paulo Freire Room)  Rue de l’In­dus­trie 10, Brussels 

Sign up for “Media Matu­ri­ty and How to Build It” event organ­ised in part­ner­ship with the Alliance for Child­hood that serves as the 87th Qual­i­ty for Child­hood (QoC) Talk.

ECSWE Council Meeting 


Three to four times a year, our mem­bers meet for Coun­cil meet­ings. This time the online meet­ing will address the top­ic of lead­er­ship in schools and nation­al associations.

World Teachers’ Conference 2023 

Goetheanum  Rüt­ti­weg 45, Dor­nach, Switzerland 

Our part­ner, the Ped­a­gog­i­cal Sec­tion at the Goetheanum, is invit­ing Wal­dorf edu­ca­tors from every cor­ner of the world  to join the Conference!


ECSWE Council Meeting 

Scuo­la Novalis  Via Rudolf Stein­er 2,4,6, San Vendemi­ano TV, Italy 

Three to four times a year, our mem­bers meet for Coun­cil meet­ings. This time the meet­ing is tied to the HERMMES con­fer­ence and the ECSWaP meeting.

HERMMES Conference 

Scuo­la Novalis  Via Rudolf Stein­er 2,4,6, San Vendemi­ano TV, Italy 

Dur­ing its 3‑year imple­men­ta­tion peri­od, HERMMES project part­ner­ship will organ­ise three con­fer­ences, of which the first is focus­ing on Media and Well-being.


EMIE policy event 2023 

Euro­pean Parliament  Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels 

Reg­is­ter and join the pol­i­cy exchange on the role of inde­pen­dent schools in the future of Europe regard­ing engage­ment, well-being and achieve­ment for all.

LLLWeek 2023 event on Key competences 

Mundo‑J (Paulo Freire Room)  Rue de l’In­dus­trie 10, Brussels 

Sign up for “Between Key Com­pe­tences and Poten­tial­i­ties: How to empow­er a child’s unique poten­tial in schools?” event organ­ised with­in the Life­long Learn­ing Week 2023.


EMIE policy event 2024 

Euro­pean Parliament  Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels 

This event will show how edu­ca­tion­al plu­ral­ism can be a cor­ner­stone of build­ing cohe­sive soci­eties, at the time when the EU needs it the most.


Beyond just ‘tolerable’ education 

Euro­pean Parliament  Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels 

Many sources indi­cate that men­tal health and well-being increase aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ments in for­mal set­tings. In the event, we will present research find­ings on how children (…)

Council meeting May 2024 

ECSWE Coun­cil Meet­ing   Three times a year, our mem­bers meet for coun­cil meet­ings. We aim for at least two live meet­ings a year in […]

Analogue and Digital: How to Reach the Balance? Delta­laan 140, Ros­malen, Netherlands 

Ana­logue and Dig­i­tal: How to Reach the Bal­ance?   After the excit­ing first con­fer­ence in Scuo­la Novalis in Italy, the sec­ond HERMMES con­fer­ence will take […]