Key numbers on schools and pupils

190,000 pupils in 802 Waldorf schools

Key numbers
The key numbers give an overview on the number of Waldorf settings and the people involved.

802 schools

There are 802 Wal­dorf schools in Europe; 324 include upper sec­ondary lev­el, deliv­er­ing the Stein­er Wal­dorf cur­ricu­lum from start to finish.

190,000 pupils

Some 190,000 pupils are enrolled in Wal­dorf schools across ECSWE mem­ber coun­tries. Most are in pri­ma­ry and low­er sec­ondary education.

102 teacher trainings

There are 102 teacher train­ings in ECSWE mem­ber coun­tries. 38 offer full-time teacher train­ing, 60 offer part-time teacher train­ing, and 4 offer both.

1,380 kindergartens

There are 1,380 kinder­gartens and day care cen­tres across ECSWE mem­ber coun­tries. They are most­ly rep­re­sent­ed by our part­ner, IASWECE.

133,000 families

Around 133,000 fam­i­lies in Europe send their chil­dren to a Wal­dorf school. Most of them live in Ger­many and the Netherlands.

18,400 teachers

Approx­i­mate­ly 18,400 teach­ers cur­rent­ly work in Euro­pean Wal­dorf schools, most of which cov­er pri­ma­ry and low­er sec­ondary education.

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