ECSWE – European Council
The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education

What is ECSWE?
The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education is an international non-profit organisation (AISBL). It consists of 27 national Steiner Waldorf school associations, representing 802 Steiner Waldorf schools across 28 European countries. Our mission is to support genuine Steiner Waldorf education and promote freedom in education in Europe.

The ECSWE Council
3 meetings every year
Our members convene for ECSWE Council meetings three times a year, in varying locations. These meetings are an opportunity to report on organisational, political, and legal developments regarding education in Europe. National association representatives exchange good practices, engage in peer learning, and coordinate joint activities and advocacy.
A new board is elected every 3 years in May, during the Annual General Meeting. The nomination and election procedure are usually defined during the first ECSWE Council meeting of an election year.
27 Representatives
Each national association appoints a representative linking their organisation and ECSWE. The representative attends ECSWE Council meetings, prepares domestic reports, and votes in the Annual General Meeting.

The ECSWE Board
Board members
The ECSWE board is made of: Margareta Van Raemdonck (Belgium), President; Iztok Kordiš (Slovenia), Vice-President; Wilfried Bialik (Germany), Vice-President; Pia Pale (Finland), Secretary; Pedro Miguel (Portugal), Treasurer.
The board manages and represents ECSWE. It offers guidance, steers Council activities, plans meeting agendas, hires and supervises staff, and represents ECSWE to the EU institutions in Brussels. It meets 6 times per year.
Annual Meetings
Annual General Meetings are organised by the board, and happen in May every year. The annual accounts of the previous year are adopted, statutory decisions are made, and a new board is elected every third year. See statutes.

Managing Director
and Brussels office
Managing Director
Georg Jürgens is the Managing Director of ECSWE. A former Waldorf pupil from Munich, he holds a Master’s degree in Democracy Studies from Regensburg University.
The Managing Director supports the Board in running the organisation, and coordinates both internal work and advocacy. On behalf of the Board, the Managing Director frequently represents ECSWE to EU institutions in Brussels.
Brussels office
The ECSWE office in Brussels is located within walking distance from the European Parliament. The office facilitates communication between ECSWE members, and liaises with European institutions and partner organisations.