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LLLWeek event on the Parental school choice

After two years of online events, Life­long Learn­ing Week 2022 is com­ing back to Brus­sels! It is a week of events organ­ised under the umbrel­la of the Life­long Learn­ing Plat­form aim­ing to strength­en the dia­logue between civ­il soci­ety and pol­i­cy mak­ers in the insti­tu­tions of the Euro­pean Union.

Event on Imple­ment­ing the Right to Parental School Choice: The role of pub­lic fund­ing in cre­at­ing a diverse and inclu­sive school edu­ca­tion sys­tem is joint­ly organ­ised by ECSWE, ECNAIS and OIDEL. While Arti­cle 14.3 of the Char­ter of Fun­da­men­tal Rights of the EU guar­an­tees the right of parental school choice to all fam­i­lies in Europe, pub­lic fund­ing for inde­pen­dent schools varies great­ly across the Euro­pean Edu­ca­tion Area and cre­ates access bar­ri­ers for dis­ad­van­taged fam­i­lies. This event will explore dif­fer­ent fund­ing sys­tems for inde­pen­dent schools and the lev­els of inclu­sive­ness and acces­si­bil­i­ty of inde­pen­dent schools across Europe.


12.00 Words of welcome

MEP Michaela Šoj­dro­va, EPP (tbc)
MEP Isabel Ben­jumea, EPP

12.10 Case stud­ies and insights

Ignasi Grau, OIDEL: Free­dom of Edu­ca­tion — is it an equal­ly grant­ed right in the EU?
Markku Moisala, ECNAIS: Edu­ca­tion­al Plu­ral­ism as a Cor­ner­stone of Euro­pean Democracies
Georg Jür­gens & Dora Šimunović, ECSWE: Fund­ing of Edu­ca­tion­al Plu­ral­ism in Ger­many and Croatia

12.50 Pol­i­cy pan­el with Q&A

MEP Michaela Šoj­dro­va, EPP (tbc)
Ignasi Grau, OIDEL
Georg Jür­gens, ECSWE
Dora Šimunović, ECSWE
Arja Krauchen­berg, LLLP & EPA
Mod­er­a­tion: Andrei Frank, LLLP

13.25 Clos­ing