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LLLWeek 2022 event on media education


After two years of online events, Life­long Learn­ing Week 2022 is com­ing back to Brus­sels! It is a week of events organ­ised under the umbrel­la of the Life­long Learn­ing Plat­form aim­ing to strength­en the dia­logue between civ­il soci­ety and pol­i­cy mak­ers in the insti­tu­tions of the Euro­pean Union.

Event on Media matu­ri­ty and how to build it is organ­ised by ECSWE and the Alliance for Child­hood. It is framed as the 87th Qual­i­ty of Child­hood (QoC) Talk. The event will show­case chal­lenges in the exist­ing EU dig­i­tal media edu­ca­tion poli­cies by bring­ing the results of the recent­ly pub­lished Ger­­man-wide research in the field. The MünDig Study explores on whether a com­bi­na­tion of ana­logue media (e.g. note­books, flip-books and library vis­its) and dig­i­tal media (e.g. tablets and PC) is the nec­es­sary com­bi­na­tion for chil­dren and young peo­ple to learn to use media confidently.


12.00 Words of welcome

Christo­pher Cloud­er, Alliance for Childhood
MEP Vic­tor Negres­cu, CULT Committee

12.15 The MünDig Study: find­ings and impli­ca­tions for education

Paula Bleck­mann, Alanus University

12.45 HERMMES project: aims and relevance

Már­ti Domokos, ECSWE

12.55 Inter­ac­tive activity

13.10 Reflec­tions

Arja Krauchen­berg, LLLP & Euro­pean Par­ents’ Association
Simona Petko­va, Dig­i­tal Edu­ca­tion Unit, DG EAC

13.20 Con­clu­sions and clos­ing words

MEP Vic­tor Negres­cu, CULT Committee

Mod­er­a­tion: Christo­pher Cloud­er, Alliance for Childhood