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World Teachers’ Conference at the Goetheanum


The top­ic of the 2023 World Teach­ers’ Con­fer­ence at the Goetheanum is «Affirm­ing – Nur­tur­ing – Trust­ing, an Edu­ca­tion for Today and Tomor­row». Our part­ner, the Ped­a­gog­i­cal Sec­tion at the Goetheanum, is invit­ing Wal­dorf edu­ca­tors from every cor­ner of the world  to join the Con­fer­ence, to learn and empow­er one oth­er from 10th to 15th April 2023 in Dor­nach, Switzerland.

Infor­ma­tion on the 4‑language 6‑day pro­gramme, 12 keynote speak­ers and 28 work­shops here:

Tick­ets infor­ma­tion and reg­is­tra­tion form find here: