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Analogue and Digital: How to Reach the Balance?


After the excit­ing first con­fer­ence in Scuo­la Novalis in Italy, the sec­ond HERMMES con­fer­ence will take place in our oth­er part­ner school Wittering.nl in the Nether­lands. Mark your cal­en­dar for the date and stay tuned for when reg­is­tra­tion opens!

12 part­ner organ­i­sa­tions will bring to you the draft of the HERMMES guide­lines and cur­ricu­lum and pro­vide insights into our train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. We will explore prac­tices that show the rela­tion between ana­logue and dig­i­tal paths in media edu­ca­tion while keep­ing a child’s healthy devel­op­ment intact.