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We are proud to invite you to yet anoth­er event at the annu­al Life­long Learn­ing Week. After last year’s suc­cess­ful event on Devel­op­­ment-ori­en­t­ed and age-appro­pri­ate media edu­ca­tion, this year’s focus is on how to pre­serve and build well-being when it comes to inter­act­ing with dig­i­tal media.

Under the head­line “Towards well-being in dig­i­tal and media edu­ca­tion”, our webi­nar sheds light on the ongo­ing revi­sion of Dig­Comp, presents a com­pe­­tence-based media cur­ricu­lum and intro­duces the planned HERMMES project on dig­i­tal literacy.

What to expect?

  • With regards to the ongo­ing Dig­Comp 2.2 revi­sion process, one of the aims of the event is to present the suc­cess­es and the blind spots of the Dig­Comp frame­work through the lens of health and well-being;
  • This will be fol­lowed by a case study of an age-appro­pri­ate and entire­ly  com­pe­­tence-based dig­i­tal media cur­ricu­lum devel­oped by Stein­er Wal­dorf schools that has been ful­ly mapped to DigComp;
  • Final­ly, we will be look­ing at the future, shed­ding light on the upcom­ing HERMMES project on dig­i­tal lit­er­a­cy and its dif­fer­ent dimen­sions and actions.

Our event there­fore fits well into this year’s annu­al theme “assess­ment and wellbeing”.