Brussels, 17th November 2021
ECSWE publishes new resources on digital media education

The curriculum Digital Media and Computer Studies for Steiner Waldorf Schools and the brochure Media education in Steiner Waldorf Schools are now available for download.
In the European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education we closely follow European policy making in the field of ICT and media education. One of our key priorities is to promote an age-appropriate and development-oriented digital media education in schools. As part of this work, we publish materials and provide our member associations and schools with good practice examples. Those examples are meant to help them adapt to ongoing policy reforms and prepare them for the national level implementation of the European Digital Education Action Plan 2021–2027.
Curriculum Digital Media and Computer Studies for
Steiner Waldorf Schools
The curriculum Digital Media and Computer Studies for Steiner Waldorf Schools is a good practice example of a competence-based curriculum that is fully mapped to the European Digital Competences Framework DigComp 2.1. It showcases how the specific needs of Steiner Waldorf schools can be brought into alignment with the DigComp Framework. Available in English and Russian.
The curriculum without the mapping to the DigComp 2.1 Framework is available in German, French and Italian.
Brochure Media education in Steiner Waldorf Schools
The brochure Media Education in Steiner Waldorf Schools is meant to help schools develop their own ICT and media curricula. The brochure demonstrates how curriculum development should first incorporate real world experience as a precondition for developing media maturity, before subsequently equipping students with all the necessary skills to fully seize the potential of digital technology. Available in English, German and Dutch.
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