LLLWeek 2023 event on Key competences
29. November 2023, 9:30 — 11:00
| FreePolicy event: Between key competences and potentialities
After last year’s successful event on media education, we are joining Lifelong Learning Week 2023 with another policy event! As this is the Year of Skills, we are giving our view on the topic of key competences, their implementation and assessment in a school. Based on over 100 years of experience, Waldorf education has much to say on how to nurture the development of key and transversal competences. In an ever-changing world, these competences are today relevant more than ever.
The event titled Between Key Competences and Potentialities: How to empower a child’s unique potential in schools? is aiming to share our experience, but also connect with with the existing work our partners and the European Commission. If you are interested in education that goes one step deeper than pure academic achievements, and at the same time interested in how this is covered on the European level and by the European Commission, this event is for you!
09.30 Words of welcome
Georg Jürgens, ECSWE
09.40 Keynote speech
Kath Bransby, Waldorf UK
Martyn Rawson, ECSWE
10.10 Contributions
Dominic Richardson, Institute on Learning for Well-Being
Maria Podlasek-Ziegler, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
10.30 Panel discussion and Q&A
Kath Bransby, Waldorf UK
Domimic Richardson, I‑L4WB
Maria Podlasek-Ziegler, DG EAC
Moderation: Andrei Frank, Lifelong Learning Platform
11.00 End
Moderation: Dora Šimunović, ECSWE