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Tibor Navrac­sics, Com­mis­sion­er for Edu­ca­tion, Cul­ture, Youth and Sport, will host the sec­ond Euro­pean Edu­ca­tion Sum­mit on 26 Sep­tem­ber 2019 in Brus­sels. This sec­ond edi­tion will focus on the teach­ing profession.

What chal­lenges are teach­ers fac­ing today – and what are future devel­op­ments we need to antic­i­pate? Are teach­ers ade­quate­ly recog­nised by soci­ety? Do they receive the sup­port they need? What is their role in bridg­ing edu­ca­tion and active par­tic­i­pa­tion in soci­ety and labour market?

These are just some of the ques­tions to be explored in a dis­cus­sion led by teach­ers — along with min­is­ters, aca­d­e­mics and civ­il servants.

Dur­ing the Sum­mit, ECSWE will be rep­re­sent­ed by its Pres­i­dent Richard Landl, its Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Georg Jür­gens, and its Advi­sor to the Board Detlef Hardorp.

The Sum­mit will take place at:

The Square
Place du Mont Des Arts
1000, Brussels