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ECSWE Council meeting

Online meet­ing

Three times a year, our mem­bers meet for Coun­cil meet­ings in chang­ing loca­tions. The meet­ings offer our 26 nation­al mem­ber asso­ci­a­tions a space to report on impor­tant organ­i­sa­tion­al, polit­i­cal and legal devel­op­ments, to exchange good prac­tices, to engage in peer learn­ing and to coor­di­nate joint activ­i­ties and advo­ca­cy. Coun­cil meet­ings often fea­ture a pub­lic con­fer­ence or meet­ing on edu­ca­tion­al matters.

The orig­i­nal meet­ing sched­uled 23–25 Octo­ber 2020 in Spain was can­celled due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and moved online.

Our main theme for this meet­ing will there­fore be “Stay­ing con­nect­ed, rethink­ing the way we work togeth­er and joint­ly address­ing the chal­lenges ahead”.

Among oth­er things, we will explore and dis­cuss the fol­low­ing themes:
  1. EU Dig­i­tal Edu­ca­tion Action Plan 2021–27;
  2. Update on the Assess­ment Project;
  3. Fol­low-up to our 7 lessons learned from COVID-19;
  4. Review of struc­tured Zoom calls on mem­bers needs;
  5. Webi­nar on con­nect­ing mem­bers online;
  6. Mak­ing pres­ence count at phys­i­cal meetings;
  7. Pre­sen­ta­tion of the Swiss ICT and media cur­ricu­lum and oth­er resources.