ECSWE Council Meeting (online)
23. October 2020 — 24. October 2020
ECSWE Council meeting
Online meeting
Three times a year, our members meet for Council meetings in changing locations. The meetings offer our 26 national member associations a space to report on important organisational, political and legal developments, to exchange good practices, to engage in peer learning and to coordinate joint activities and advocacy. Council meetings often feature a public conference or meeting on educational matters.
The original meeting scheduled 23–25 October 2020 in Spain was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and moved online.
Our main theme for this meeting will therefore be “Staying connected, rethinking the way we work together and jointly addressing the challenges ahead”.
- EU Digital Education Action Plan 2021–27;
- Update on the Assessment Project;
- Follow-up to our 7 lessons learned from COVID-19;
- Review of structured Zoom calls on members needs;
- Webinar on connecting members online;
- Making presence count at physical meetings;
- Presentation of the Swiss ICT and media curriculum and other resources.