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How to Build Media Maturity at Home – a webinar (not only) for parents


In this webi­nar, we will lis­ten to inspi­ra­tional speak­ers and find ways togeth­er to strength­en chil­dren and young peo­ple in order to build up their media matu­ri­ty. By the time they reach adult­hood, they should be enabled to use the full range of ana­logue and dig­i­tal tools for their own edu­ca­tion, for par­tic­i­pa­tion in civ­il soci­ety and the labour mar­ket. Find­ing man­age­able and liv­able solu­tions at home, but also to col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly work with their school or kinder­garten are para­mount for build­ing up resilience in children.

We will dis­cov­er ways to decide in an evi­­dence-informed, con­­text-relat­ed, and inde­pen­dant way how much time to spend on dig­i­tal tools, for which pur­pose, and always with a con­scious and crit­i­cal approach to the con­tent shared or con­sumed through media, to keep the chil­dren safe and to keep their well-being intact.

In the HERMMES part­ner­ship, three par­ents’ organ­i­sa­tions, the Euro­pean Par­ents’ Asso­ci­a­tion, the Euro­pean Net­work of Stein­er Wal­dorf Par­ents, and the Nor­we­gian Stein­er School Par­ents’ Asso­ci­a­tion con­tribute with the care­givers’ point of view to the mate­ri­als being devel­oped. Togeth­er with uni­ver­si­ties, schools, inter­na­tion­al edu­ca­tion­al organ­i­sa­tions, and edu­ca­tion­al ser­vice providers, they work on holis­tic and devel­op­­ment-ori­en­t­ed ways to build up media matu­ri­ty in children.

Schedule of the webinar:

Wednes­day, 22 May 2024, 19.00–20.30 CET

Tues­day, 28 May 2024, 19.00–20.30 CET

The webi­nar is organ­ised as a part of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024.