Brussels, 28 August 2019

New ECSWE Board meets in Brussels for the first time
During the Annual General Meeting 18th May 2019, in Rijeka, Croatia, ECSWE representatives elected a new board.

Four of the five pre­vi­ous board mem­bers were re-elect­ed. Pres­i­dent Richard Landl from Ger­many, Vice-Pres­i­dent Iztok Kordis from Slove­nia and Sec­re­tary Mar­gare­ta Van Raem­don­ck from Bel­gium con­tin­ue in their old roles. For­mer Vice-Trea­sur­er Fred­erikke Lars­son from Den­mark took on the role of the Trea­sur­er and replaces Frans Ebskamp from the Nether­lands, who did not stand for re-elec­tion. New on the Board is Pia Pale from Fin­land, who took on the vacant post of Vice-Treasurer. 

The new­ly elect­ed ECSWE board held its first full board meet­ing in Brus­sels on 27th and 28th of August to pre­pare for the upcom­ing Coun­cil meet­ing in Berlin 20th — 21st Sep­tem­ber 2019 and to dis­cuss ongo­ing projects and advo­ca­cy. The board was also informed on the ongo­ing work of the Brus­sels office and defined the agen­da for the upcom­ing months.

Oth­er impor­tant points covered:

  • The cur­rent state of play con­cern­ing the upcom­ing Wal­dorf 100 con­fer­ence “The art of edu­ca­tion. Empow­er­ing our chil­dren to shape their future” on 7th Novem­ber 2019 in Brus­sels to cel­e­brate 100 years of Stein­er Wal­dorf edu­ca­tion in Europe and beyond;
  • ECSWE’s suc­cess­ful ERASMUS+ appli­ca­tion on “Per­son­alised and For­ma­tive Assess­ment Prac­tices Sup­port­ing School and Learn­er Devel­op­ment” in part­ner­ship with Learn­ing for Well-being and the Hun­gar­i­an Wal­dorf Asso­ci­a­tion and how this project could sup­port our advo­ca­cy for diver­si­ty in assessment;
  • ECSWE’s con­tri­bu­tions to the work of the ET 2020 Work­ing Group Schools and the stake­hold­er con­sul­ta­tion on the new Life­Comp Frame­work cur­rent­ly devel­oped at the Euro­pean Commission’s Joint Research Cen­tre in Sevil­la, Spain, to imple­ment the new Per­son­al, Social and Learn­ing-to-Learn Competence.

A question? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Georg Jürgens