HERMMES 2022 – 2025
Solutions for age-appropriate
media education
An Erasmus+ partnership dedicated to providing teachers, parents and schools with guidelines and training for age-appropriate media education.
Aiming for media maturity
On the 1st of April 2022 ECSWE and its partners started HERMMES – a 3‑year project on media education which focuses on age-appropriateness, development-orientation and media maturity. The goal of the HERMMES project is that at the end of their school career, pupils are media mature. They should be able to use the full range of analogue and digital media for their own education, participation in civil society and the labour market. In addition they should be able to sovereignly decide how much time to spend on digital tools, for which purpose, and always with a conscious and critical approach to the content shared or consumed through media. Thus age-appropriate and development-oriented media education only introduces digital technology in classrooms after children demonstrate media maturity and a high level of media literacy.
Providing guidelines and training
The HERMMES project results provide teachers, parents and schools with a website, a framework curriculum, guidelines and training.
Partners with educational expertise
HERMMES gathers 15 partners in the field of education, including international associations, national school associations, universities and schools.
Based on EU policy
The European Education and Culture Executive Agency supported the project by approving the application and dedicating 400.000 euro to its realisation within the Erasmus+ programme. It is based on the aims of the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan 2021–2027 and the European Parliament resolution on Shaping digital education policy of March 2021 which emphasises a learner-focused, age-appropriate and development-oriented digital media education.