Brussels, 9th December 2022

Help the Ukrainian Waldorf schools get through the winter
Building school shelters, covering heating bills and staff costs are the bare minimum to keep the schools running and provide a sense of normality to the Ukrainian Waldorf pupils.

What happened until now?

Fol­low­ing the Russ­ian attacks on Ukraine on 24th Feb­ru­ary 2022, ECSWE imme­di­ate­ly reached out to mem­bers and part­ners to coor­di­nate our emer­gency sup­port to the Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf move­ment. Actions back then includ­ed a coor­di­nat­ed dona­tion cam­paign to sup­port school com­mu­ni­ties and emer­gency edu­ca­tion and coor­di­nat­ed efforts to offer dis­placed Wal­dorf fam­i­lies accom­mo­da­tion and places in Wal­dorf schools abroad. In March, we also helped to trans­late and dis­sem­i­nate an open let­ter of the Friends of Wal­dorf Edu­ca­tion to the Wal­dorf teach­ers in Europe call­ing for finan­cial sup­port and sol­i­dar­i­ty with their Ukrain­ian col­leagues. Thanks to the dona­tions from indi­vid­u­als, schools and organ­i­sa­tions across Europe and the world, more than 900.000 EUR have been col­lect­ed so far.

What are the most urgent needs right now?

To sur­vive the win­ter, the remain­ing Wal­dorf schools in Ukraine will need finan­cial sup­port to pay for teach­ers’ salaries, to acquire pow­er gen­er­a­tors, to main­tain and heat their build­ings and to invest in bomb shel­ters to safe­ly pro­vide in-per­son teach­ing accord­ing to legal require­ments. The shel­ters must be big enough to accom­mo­date all pupils and co-work­ers of a giv­en school.

The Friends of Wal­dorf Edu­ca­tion have cal­cu­lat­ed that a total of 70.000 € per month are need­ed to ensure con­tin­ued remu­ner­a­tion of our Ukrain­ian col­leagues. The costs for the bomb shel­ters dif­fer sig­nif­i­cant­ly from loca­tion to loca­tion and are there­fore dif­fi­cult to break down into aver­age costs per stu­dent or school. The costs for the school shel­ters built to this date range from a 15.000 € co-pay­ment, for the most­ly pub­licly fund­ed shel­ter in Krivoj Rog, to 120.000 € for the ful­ly pri­vate­ly fund­ed shel­ter of the Stu­peni School in Odessa.

How can you help?

Your dona­tions will help the remain­ing Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf schools to sur­vive the win­ter. For your ori­en­ta­tion: A dona­tion of 115 € is enough to pay the aver­age week­ly salary of one Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf teacher and with 460 € you are cov­er­ing a full month. On the oth­er hand, the amount need­ed to pur­chase 3 pow­er gen­er­a­tors and 3 bat­ter­ies for Dnipro Stein­er School is about 6.500 € total. We are hope­ful that with a joint action we can reach the need­ed amounts, but please know that no dona­tion is too small to count!

You can direct­ly trans­fer your dona­tions to the fol­low­ing bank accounts:

The Friends of Wal­dorf Education* The Lat­vian Wal­dorf School Association*
Fre­unde der Erziehungskunst
GLS Gemein­schafts­bank eG Bochum
IBAN: DE47 4306 0967 0013 0420 10
Pay­ment ref­er­ence: Ukraine
Latvi­jas Val­dorf­pedagoģi­jas asociācija
Reģ. Nr. 40008008159
IBAN: LV30HABA000140J045360
Pay­ment ref­er­ence: Dona­tion for the Dnipro Wal­dorf School
*Dona­tions main­ly for shel­ters, teacher salaries and school main­te­nance
of Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf Schools
*Dona­tions main­ly for power
gen­er­a­tors and 
for Dnipro Wal­dorf School
The Friends of Wal­dorf Education*
Fre­unde der Erziehungskunst
GLS Gemein­schafts­bank eG Bochum
IBAN: DE47 4306 0967 0013 0420 10
Pay­ment ref­er­ence: Ukraine
*Dona­tions main­ly for shel­ters, teacher
salaries and 
school main­te­nance of
Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf Schools
The Lat­vian Wal­dorf School Association*
Latvi­jas Val­dorf­pedagoģi­jas asociācija
Reģ. Nr. 40008008159
IBAN: LV30HABA000140J045360
Pay­ment ref­er­ence: Dona­tion for the
Dnipro Wal­dorf School
*Dona­tions main­ly for pow­er generators
bat­ter­ies for Dnipro Wal­dorf School

If you need a dona­tion con­fir­ma­tion, please make sure to also indi­cate your postal address.

Why we support these actions?

From the begin­ning of the war in Ukraine, most of our mem­bers have tak­en action in pro­vid­ing help to the Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf com­mu­ni­ty. Either by wel­com­ing refugee stu­dents and fam­i­lies, by send­ing med­ical help or by organ­is­ing dona­tion cam­paigns on their nation­al and local lev­els. In the face of ongo­ing pow­er short­ages in Ukraine, that neg­a­tive­ly effect teach­ing con­di­tions, our Lat­vian mem­ber chose to act upon direct con­nec­tions they have with schools in Ukraine, and we are here to sup­port their efforts. The clos­ing of their dona­tion cam­paign is the Mon­day 19th Decem­ber 2022.

The Friends of Wal­dorf Edu­ca­tion are per­ma­nent guests to our Coun­cil and are reg­u­lar­ly tak­ing part in the Coun­cil meet­ings. Fol­low­ing the Russ­ian attacks on Ukraine in Feb­ru­ary 2022, they have turned most of their resources to pro­vid­ing aid to Ukrain­ian Wal­dorf schools, teach­ers and fam­i­lies by col­lect­ing dona­tions, deploy­ing trau­ma ped­a­gogy experts and help­ing refugee stu­dents and fam­i­lies find their shel­ter in Euro­pean coun­tries. They have numer­ous direct con­nec­tions to schools and teach­ers in Ukraine and are thus able to pro­vide and dis­trib­ute ade­quate sup­port efficiently.

Further steps

A question? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Georg Jürgens