EMIE policy event on Pathways to School Success
27. April 2022, 15:00 — 16:30
EMIE policy event on Pathways to School Success
As a result of joint work within the European Meeting of Independent Education (EMIE), we are organising an event to launch and present the EMIE Position Paper on Pathways to School Success. We invite you to save the date.We are excited to announce that the event will be featured by policy makers from European Commission and European Parliament and by stakeholders representing parents, schools, teachers, pupils and civil society.
15.00 Opening words
- Annalisa Cannoni, Policy Offices at DG EAC, European Commission
15.05 First panel
- Introduction to the Independent Education Sector in Europe — Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo, ECNAIS
- Introduction to the Legal Framework — Ignasi Grau, OIDEL
- Presentation of the Position Paper — Georg Jürgens, ECSWE
15.30 Second Panel: Voice of the stakeholders
- Parents — Arja Krauchenberg, EPA
- Schools — Markku Moisala,ECNAIS
- Teachers — Martyn Rawson, ECSWE
- Students — Rareș Voicu, OBESSU
- Civil society organisations — Brikena Xhomaqi, LLL Platform
16.15 Policy Conclusions
- Victor Negrescu, Vice-Chair of CULT Committee, European Parliament
- Annalisa Cannoni, Policy Offices at DG EAC, European Commission
Moderation: Dora Šimunović