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Policy event: The role of independent schools in the future of Europe


As a result of joint work with­in the Euro­pean Meet­ing of Inde­pen­dent Edu­ca­tion (EMIE), we are announc­ing an invi­ta­tion to the pol­i­cy event on “The role of inde­pen­dent schools in the future of Europe: con­tri­bu­tion of inde­pen­dent schools to engage­ment, well-being and achieve­ment for all”. 

We will focus on the syn­er­gies between the prac­tice of inde­pen­dent schools and the aims of the Coun­cil Rec­om­men­da­tion on the ‘Path­ways to School Suc­cess’ from Novem­ber 2022.

The event will be fea­tured by pol­i­cy mak­ers from Euro­pean Com­mis­sion and Euro­pean Par­lia­ment and by stake­hold­ers rep­re­sent­ing par­ents, schools, teach­ers, pupils and civ­il society.


16.30 Words of wel­come by MEP Melo, EPP

16.35 Open­ing words by Ignasi Grau i Cal­li­zo, OIDEL

16.45 Back­ground infor­ma­tion by Rodri­go Queiroz e Melo, ECNAIS

16.55 Case study: CZECH inde­pen­dent schools by an ENCAIS member

17.10 Pan­el on EU rel­e­vance with:

  • MEP Šoj­dro­va, EPP
  • MEP Negres­cu, S&D (tbc)
  • Annal­isa Can­noni, DG EAC
  • Andrei Frank, LLLP
    Mod­er­a­tion by Georg Jür­gens, ECSWE

17.45 Clos­ing remarks by Mar­tyn Raw­son, ECSWE (tbc)