Brussels, 21 September 2018
ET 2020 Working Group: ECSWE involvement extended until 2020
The new mandate of the Working Group is focused on quality assurance and teacher and school leader careers
In July 2018, the ECSWE membership in the ET 2020 Working Group Schools was extended for the new cycle July 2018 — July 2020. In its new mandate, the Working Group will deepen its work on quality assurance processes and teacher and school leader careers.
The WG’s work on quality assurance is meant to inform policy development related to the creation of the European Education Area by 2025. Among other aims, this ambitious agenda aims at the mutual automatic recognition of secondary education diploma by 2025 and touches on important issues such as key competences, digital skills and assessment.
Under the theme Quality Culture the Working Group will explore “what can be done at system level to create the conditions for a (school and teacher-led) quality culture to thrive”. This will involve issues such as 1) stakeholder involvement, 2) gathering and dissemination of quality evidence for school improvement and 3) how to ensure broad competence development in schools. In this context the role of national curricula, school based curricula and assessment of key competences might be explored as well.
Under the theme Teacher and school leader careers, the group will explore the coherence of career paths and structures with the three dimensions 1) staff evaluation and appraisal, 2) professional development and 3) leadership.
In the field of quality assurance, ECSWE will continue to argue in favor of flexible forms of quality care that take into account the specific needs and pedagogical approach of schools outside the mainstream system. In the field of teacher and school leader careers, ECSWE will promote more flexibility for Waldorf teacher trainings and distributed forms of school leadership.