Brussels, 23 April 2024
Financial report 2023: € 369.506 spent on regular activities and projects
In 2023, ECSWE’s total income was €442.038, the total expenses were €369.506, and €50.000 were allocated to the reserves. We ended the year with a positive result of €22.532 after the reserve allocation.
Successfully recharging our reserves
As part of our risk management plan of 2023, the board committed to gradually bring up the reserves from €50.000 to €100.000. These reserves are meant to cover unexpected losses of revenue and unexpected spending needs arising during the course of the financial year, allowing for a more dynamic approach to financial planning. Savings made in 2023 enabled us to reach this goal already in 2023.
The income from our EU operating grant was also smaller than budgeted and required corresponding spending adjustments. Due to changed funding criteria for operating grants and the corresponding financial impact in 2024, we also increased our provisions for staff costs.
Two factors explain lower income and expenses
ECSWE had originally planned with €70.000 higher income than was realised. Still, the final result is only slightly lower than planned, and this is mostly due to delayed spending. Firstly, in 2023 we had less expenses within the HERMMES project and the unused funds will be income carried forward into 2024. Due to changed funding and reporting criteria for our operating grant, we could furthermore only safely plan with €140.000 of the budgeted €175.000 and had to consequently reduce our spending levels to cover a potential loss.The income from our EU operating grant was also smaller than budgeted and required corresponding spending adjustments. Due to changed funding criteria for operating grants and the corresponding financial impact in 2024, we also increased our provisions for staff costs.
Budget versus profit and loss statement (€)
Income 2023 |
Budget 2023 | Result 2023 | ||
Membership fees | 200.000 | Membership fees | 203.506 |
ERASMUS Projects | 130.000 | ERASMUS Projects | 87.141 |
Operating Grant EU | 175.000 | Operating Grant EU | 140.000 |
Other income | 9.000 | Other Income | 11.391 |
Total | 514.000 | Total | 442.038 |
Expenses 2023 |
Budget 2023 | Result 2023 | ||
Staff costs* | 205.500 | Staff costs* | 188.625 |
Travel costs | 31.500 | Travel costs | 30.049 |
Operations and activities | 145.950 | Operations and activities | 87.691 |
ERASMUS Projects** | 82.000 | ERASMUS Projects** | 63.141 |
Sub Total | 488.950 | Sub Total | 369.506 |
Reserve allocations | 0 | Reserve allocations | 50.000 |
Total | 488.950 | Total | 419.506 |
Result 2023 |
Budgeted result 2023 | 25.050 | Result end 2023 | 22.532 |
* 3.25 FTE, this includes € 24.000 of coordination costs for the HERMMES project ** HERMMES project |
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