EMIE policy event 2023
31. May 2023, 16:30 — 18:00
Policy event: The role of independent schools in the future of Europe
As a result of joint work within the European Meeting of Independent Education (EMIE), we are announcing an invitation to the policy event on “The role of independent schools in the future of Europe: contribution of independent schools to engagement, well-being and achievement for all”.
We will focus on the synergies between the practice of independent schools and the aims of the Council Recommendation on the ‘Pathways to School Success’ from November 2022.
The event will be featured by policy makers from European Commission and European Parliament and by stakeholders representing parents, schools, teachers, pupils and civil society.
16.30 Words of welcome by MEP Melo, EPP
16.35 Opening words by Ignasi Grau i Callizo, OIDEL
16.45 Background information by Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo, ECNAIS
16.55 Case study: CZECH independent schools by an ENCAIS member
17.10 Panel on EU relevance with:
- MEP Šojdrova, EPP
- MEP Negrescu, S&D (tbc)
- Annalisa Cannoni, DG EAC
- Andrei Frank, LLLP
Moderation by Georg Jürgens, ECSWE
17.45 Closing remarks by Martyn Rawson, ECSWE (tbc)